Kontakt / Ansprechpartner
Wirtschaftsförderung Münster GmbH · Steinfurter Straße 60a · D-48149 Münster · Tel +49 (251) 68642-0

We warmly welcome you to Münster!

Welcome to Münster
City of Münster
Job market
Working in Münster
Our services & contact information

Enno Fuchs

Why could Münster be of interest to you?
Here are some of my suggestions:

  • Münster is a highly innovative region
  • The economy in Münster shows great stability
  • Münster is THE hotspot of cutting-edge battery research
  • Münster is connected to a vast transport network
  • Münster offers well-trained and highly motivated employees
  • Münster is a very picturesque and lively city

Are you interested in learning more about this prosperous and livable place in the heart of Europe?
Please feel free to contact me or my team directly:


Phone numbers:

Enno Fuchs
CEO Business & Technology Development Office for the city of Münster
+49 (0)251-68642-10

Matthias Günnewig
Managing Director Technology Development Office
+49 (0)251-980-1108

Yves Preibisch
Project Manager Battery Systems
+49 (0)251-980-1117

Antje Wunderlich
Coordinator International Business
+49 (0)251-68642-90